Which season do you prefer?
Living in the northeast we are fortunate to have the changing of the four seasons. They all have there greatness and beauty.
The spring season is by way my best. In the spring you are just leaving the winter season which can be a the longest season, so it seems. In the spring everything is beginning their new life cycle. The trees are budding out, the flowers are blooming, the grass is growing (there is nothing like the smell of the first grass cutting), the wild animals are having all their babies. Everything is so fresh and alive.
The Summer season is next and what a nice season. Summer brings warm days and warm nights. Everything is green and pretty. It stays light out later into the evenings. You can just

The fall season is next, now this is a really nice season too. In the fall the weather is usually great in the 60's and 70's with a light breeze (that's

The last season is the winter season. This season can be very pretty, but it usually lasts too long. The first snow fall is really pretty just like someone covered up the bare fall with a white blanket. And of course we have to have snow for Christmas ( I am from the northeast got to have snow on Christmas). Winter can be alot of fun there is alot of fun things that you can do. You can still play out doors when it's snowing, not like

As you can seen it season has it's beauty. We really need the changing of the seasons for all life cycles. Life would be really boring with out the changes, we need to see the changes to make our lifes better.
So what is your favorite season?

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